
Monday, November 23, 2009

Sense out of the Senseless: Healthcare Edition

Megan McArdle produces a great and short summary of the arguments surrounding the healthcare debate on both sides. The incoherence is staggering.

First up the Republicans:
Medicare costs too much, and also, shouldn't be cut.
I realize why this is politically popular (old people vote) but you can't be against unsustainable spending on entitlements and against cuts to make the spending sustainable, unless John Kerry switches parties when I wasn't looking.

Then the Democrats:
Small- and medium-sized businesses are groaning under the weight of their health care costs. Also, starting next year, we're going to force them to give you much more generous coverage from your employer, such as coverage for non-dependent "children" up to the age of 26.
The President has committed to turning his attention to jobs. From this approach though, it seems they are going to work on killing more jobs before they get around to saving or creating any. Or maybe they are going to kill them just so they can bring them back. Either way I don't think this is the change we've been waiting for.

Go read the whole thing. McArdle's got nine points. Each of which would be a laugh riot if the consequences of this entire enterprise weren't so deadly serious.

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