
Monday, September 20, 2010

Steve Kagen's Social Security Attack Ad

In case you missed it, Steve Kagen started running an attack ad against GOP opponent Reid Ribble over the weekend. The accusation of the ad was that Ribble advocated for "phasing out" Social Security. Scott Crevier has put together a great post detailing exactly how this accusation simply isn't true and how there is much more to the story than what Kagen presents in the ad:

All Ribble is doing is recognizing the fact that our CURRENT Social Security system is broke and needs fixing. In Kagen’s ad, Ribble says, “somehow we have to establish a phase out of the current Social Security system”. But if Kagen had played Ribble’s quote for just FOUR MORE WORDS, you would have heard this, “somehow we have to establish a phase out of the current Social Security system TO A NEW SYSTEM.” It sure makes a difference doesn’t it? Ribble does NOT want to leave our Wisconsin seniors to “fend for themselves.” He wants to phase out the CURRENT system. Words matter folks.

I encourage you to go to Scott's blog and get more details about Kagen's misleading attack ad.

Posted via email from rhymeswithclown's posterous

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