
Monday, June 28, 2010

Marc Savard Announces Endorsement by Dr. John Lehman

Marc has secured the support of former Secretary of the Navy and 9/11 Commission member Dr. John Lehman.

Lehman issued the following statement on his endorsement of Marc Savard:
“I believe Congress needs folks like Marc to step up and serve when our Country’s citizens are searching for candidates with clear, realistic thinking about the threats our Nation faces both abroad and at our borders. Marc will bring that seriousness of purpose so needed in Washington today to deal with the difficulties our country faces.”

There's been some discussion lately about the value of endorsements by outside groups and figures. While I doubt these sway many voters, I suspect that they do constitute an important part of the process of building credibility and name recognition.

Posted via email from rhymeswithclown's posterous

1 comment:

D said...

VERY strange endorsement. Savard is hardly known in his own district.