As you know, the Fox Valley Initiative conducted an online straw poll of its members last week to determine the level of support for the candidates in the 8th Congressional District race. The poll was conducted over a 3 day period. In order to ensure that no candidate or supporters of a candidate “stuffed” the ballot box, voters were required to submit their valid email address along with their vote. After email addresses of voters were cross checked against the Fox Valley Initiative’s membership list, we were able to validate the vote.
The results of this vote do not necessarily qualify as an endorsement of any particular candidate, but we can say that this is a certified representation of members of the FVI that voted. Candidates are free to use this information as they wish, but without claiming a formal endorsement. The Fox Valley Initiative will make a formal endorsement once the primaries have been decided and we are down to the candidates that will be on the ballot in November.
Here are the candidates and the percentage of vote that they won:
Reid Ribble : 56.4%
Roger Roth : 19.2%
Terri McCormick: 16.6%
Steve Kagen: 3.8%
Andy Williams: 2.5%
Marc Savard: 1.3%
Thanks to all of you that voted!
Welcome news for Ribble no doubt, but obviously still a long way to go.
I'm curious as to what others think about where this ranks against endorsements. Is something like this more or less important?
Be sure to click through and read the comments as well.
I would like to know how many people participated, if the campaigns were notified and how the FVI notified people they were conducting the poll?
I have been associated with the FVI since last February and I never heard anything about the poll. Did FVI send an e-mail out to group members?
If only one campaign knew about it and got a group of folks involved in the voting then it is not much value. I find it hard to believe that Ribble is leading by that much. I would like to see some results of a third party, unbiased, scientific poll.
I hear you on the outside poll, that would be interesting.
In terms of the FVI announcing the poll, I heard about it through their email notifications, which anyone can sign up for. I believe it was also on their facebook page.
I really don't think they were keeping it a secret.
I don't Jeremy. I signed up as a member in February and I never received a notice.
The number of participants would be interesting. However it is the view of one group in June so the impact I think is minimal. It is interesting that the "choice" though is the one candidate with the most money raised in the race.
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